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Hanna HI-9829-13042 Advanced Portable Multiparameter for pH, EC/Turbidity, DO
Hanna HI-9829-13042 Advanced Portable Multiparameter for pH, EC/Turbidity, DO


Designed for measuring water quality, this advanced professional multi-parameter measures up to 15 parameters and comes with an impressive range of features.

Dissolved Oxygen
2 year manufacturers' warranty
Fully integrated GPS system

£5,786.50 (exc.VAT)
£6,943.80 (tax incl.)
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Full Description Specification Product Literature

Designed for measuring water quality, this advanced professional multiparameter measures up to 15 parameters and comes with an impressive range of features. These include a fully integrated GPS system and an autonomous sensor for measuring pH, EC/Turbidity, DO and temperature on a 4m cable.

Main benefits

Display 1 - 12 parameters simultaneously from up to 15 selectable parameters Fast Track data traceability and/or GPS positioning Robust, intelligent logging probe with stainless steel tip and narrow diameter for wells and pipes Field replaceable sensors Clear screen with backlit graphics making it easy to read - even in low light levels Rugged water resistant casing - ideal for harsh outdoor environments Ergonomic design that is comfortable to hold and use Context sensitive HELP menu Information and instructions in plain text Flexible user interface allows users to configure the meter to suit individual needs

Integrated GPS Positioning

Measurement locations can be tracked and logged with detailed co-ordinates to make it easier than ever to return to the same location for repeated data collection.

The GPS co-ordinates are displayed on screen with up to 10 measurement parameters and are recorded with logged data. Users can connect to GPS tracking software such as Google Maps to view locations where samples have been taken. Measurement information is then shown on the map on screen.

The GPS can be used in conjunction with Fast Track for ultimate tracking and data capture.

Fast Track Tag Identification System

Using an iButton data management system that connects to iButton tags installed at all sampling sites, users can log and label measurements with an alpha-numeric location ID.

Data is automatically captured by the meter and can be transferred accurately and efficiently to a PC for evaluation and analysis.

Intelligent Potentiometric Probe

Designed as a professional tool, the digital probe provides stable, noise-free sensor signal management without the need for pre-amplified pH sensors.

Key features include;

Conductivity/Turbidity sensor according to EN ISO 7027 Independent probe with data acquisition allowing on-site measurement, collection and data storage Rugged and water resistant to IP67 with weighted end Automatic recognition of sensors and electrodes Field replaceable sensors


The HI-9829 is a high specification meter designed for taking professional field measurements in lakes, rivers and seas.

Aquaculture Fish farming Oceanography Harbours and Ports Surface, drainage and waste water testing

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HI-9829 specification with/without GPS
Temperature CompensationAutomatic from -5 to 55°C
Models with GPS12 Channel Receiver, 10m range
Logging memory from meter44,000 records
Logging interval1 second to 3 hours
Computer interfaceUSB (with HI-929829)
FastTracker™ TAG IDYes
Waterproof protectionIP67
Environment0 to 50°C, RH 100%
Power supply1.5 V Alkaline C cells (4)/1.2V NiMH rechargeable C Cells (4) USB, 12V power adapter
Dimensions221 x 115 x 55mm
Maximum Probe ImmersionDepth – 20 metres

HI-9829 parameter specifications
pH Range0.00 to 14.00 pH
pH Resolution0.01 pH
pH Accuracy±0.02 pH
pH Calibrationautomatic one, two, or three points with automatic recognition of five standard buffers (pH 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01) or one custom buffer
mV Range±600.0 mV
mV Resolution0.1 mV
mV accuracy±0.5 mV
ORP Range±2000 mV
ORP Resolution0.1 mV
ORP Accuracy±1.0 mV
ORP Calibrationautomatic at one custom point (relative mV)
EC Range0 to 200 mS/cm (absolute EC up to 400 mS/cm)
EC ResolutionManual: 1 µS/cm; 0.001 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm; 1 mS/cm, Automatic: 1 µS/cm from 0 to 9999 µS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm, Automatic (mS/cm): 0.001 mS/cm from 0.000 to 9.999 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm
EC Accuracy±1% of reading or ±1 µS/cm whichever is greater
EC Calibrationautomatic single point, with six standard solutions (84 µS/cm, 1413 µS/cm, 5.00 mS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm, 80.0 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm) or custom point
TDS Range0 to 400000 ppm (mg/L); (the maximum value depends on the TDS factor)
TDS ResolutionManual: 1 ppm (mg/L); 0.001 ppt (g/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L); 1 ppt (g/L), Automatic: 1 ppm (mg/L) from 0 to 9999 ppm (mg/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L) from 10.00 to 99.99 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L) from 100.0 to 400.0 ppt (g/L), Automatic ppt (g/L): 0.001 ppt (g/L) from 0.000 to 9.999 ppt (g/L); 0.01 ppt (g/L) from 10.00 to 99.99 ppt (g/L); 0.1 ppt (g/L) from 100.0 to 400.0 ppt (g/L)
TDS Accuracy±1% of reading or ±1 ppm (mg/L), whichever is greater
TDS Calibrationbased on conductivity or salinity calibration
Resistivity Range0 to 999999 Ω•cm; 0 to 1000.0 kΩ•cm; 0 to 1.0000 MΩ•cm
Resistivity Resolutiondependent on resistivity reading
Resistivity Calibrationbased on conductivity calibration
Salinity Range0.00 to 70.00 PSU
Salinity Resolution0.01 PSU
Salinity Accuracy±2% of reading or ±0.01 PSU whichever is greater
Salinity Calibrationbased on conductivity calibration
Seawater σ Range0.0 to 50.0 σt, σ0, σ15
Seawater σ Resolution0.1 σt, σ0, σ15
Seawater σ Accuracy±1 σt, σ0, σ15
Seawater σ Calibrationbased on conductivity or salinity calibration
Ammonium-Nitrogen Range0.02 to 200.0 ppm Am (as NH4 +-N)
Ammonium-Nitrogen Resolution0.01 ppm to 1 ppm 0.1 ppm to 200.0 ppm
Ammonium-Nitrogen Accuracy±5 % reading or 2 ppm
Ammonium-Nitrogen Calibration1 or 2 point, 10 ppm and 100 ppm
Chloride Range0.6 to 200.0 ppm Cl (as Cl- )
Chloride Resolution0.01 ppm to 1 ppm 0.1 ppm to 200.0 ppm
Chloride Accuracy±5 % of reading or 2 ppm
Chloride Calibration1 or 2 point, 10 ppm and 100 ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen Range0.62 to 200.0 ppm Ni (as NO3 - -N)
Nitrate-Nitrogen Resolution0.01 ppm to 1 ppm 0.1 ppm to 200 ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen Accuracy±5 % of reading or 2 ppm
Nitrate-Nitrogen Calibration1 or 2 point, 10 ppm and 100 ppm
Turbidity Range0.0 to 99.9 FNU; 100 to 1000 FNU
Turbidity Resolution0.1 FNU from 0.0 to 99.9 FNU 1 FNU from 100 to 1000 FNU
Turbidity Accuracy±0.3 FNU or ±2 % of reading, whichever is greater
Turbidity CalibrationAutomatic 1, 2, or, 3 points at 0, 20 and 200 FNU, or custom
DO Range0.0 to 500.0%; 0.00 to 50.00 ppm (mg/L)
DO Resolution0.1%; 0.01 ppm (mg/L)
DO Accuracy0.0 to 300.0% saturation: ±1.5% of reading or ±1.0% saturation whichever is greater, 0.00 to 30.00 ppm (mg/L): ±1.5% of reading or ±0.10 ppm (mg/L), whichever is greater, 30.00 ppm (mg/L) to 50.00 ppm (mg/L): ±3% of reading, 300.0 to 500.0% saturation: ±3% of reading
DO Calibrationautomatic one or two points at 0 and 100% or one custom point
Atmospheric Pressure Range450 to 850 mm Hg; 17.72 to 33.46 in Hg; 600.0 to 1133.2 mbar; 8.702 to 16.436 psi; 0.5921 to 1.1184 atm; 60.00 to 113.32 kPa
Atmospheric Pressure Resolution0.1 mm Hg; 0.01 in Hg; 0.1 mbar; 0.001 psi; 0.0001 atm; 0.01 kPa
Atmospheric Pressure Accuracy±3 mm Hg within ±15°C from the temperature during calibration
Atmospheric Pressure Calibrationautomatic at one custom point
Ordering InformationThe HI-9829 is supplied with a HI-710140 hard carrying case, HI-7612VDC adapter, HI-7698292 probe maintenance kit, HI-929829 PC application software, HI-7698291 USB cable (PC to meter), HI-710045 power supply cable, HI-710046 cigarette lighter power cable, HI-9829-25 quick calibration solution, HI-920005 iButton with holder (5), HI-7609829-1 pH/ORP sensor, HI-7609829-2 galvanic DO sensor, HI-7609829-3 EC sensor, HI-7698290 short calibration beaker, HI-7698295 short protective weighted shield, NiMH rechargeable “C” cell batteries (4), 12VDC power adapter, and instruction manual.
Probes selected with turbidity option will include the HI-7609829-4 EC/turbidity sensor, HI-7698293 long calibration beaker and HI-7698296 long protective weighted shield in place of the EC sensor, short calibration beaker and short protective shield. Probes selected with turbidity option will also include turbidity calibration solutions (230 ml); HI-9829-16 0 FNU, HI-769829-17 20 FNU, and HI-9829-18 200 FNU.

Spare Solutions

HI-9829-1025 sachets 10ppm ammonia-nitrogen calibration solution
HI-9829-10/1110 sachets each of 10ppm and 100ppm ammonia-nitrogen calibration solution
HI-9829-1125 sachets 100ppm ammonia-nitrogen calibration solution
HI-9829-1225 sachets 10ppm chloride calibration solution
HI-9829-12/1310 sachets each of 10ppm and 100ppm chloride calibration solution
HI-9829-1325 sachets 100ppm chloride calibration solution
HI-9829-1425 sachets 10ppm nitrate-nitrogen calibration solution
HI-9829-14/1510 sachets each of 10ppm and 100pm nitrate-nitrogen calibration solution
HI-9829-1525 sachets 100ppm nitrate-nitrogen calibration solution