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Hanna Instruments UK HI-7083L Standard Solution at 3.0 g/L Sodium Chloride NaCl


HI-7083L is a premium quality 3.0 g/L NaCl standard solution for the calibration of salinity meters and sodium ISEs. Hanna calibration solutions have the lot number and expiry date clearly marked on the label. Bottles are air tight with a tamper-proof seal to ensure the quality of the solution.

Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal
Ensures quality and freshness of solution

£31.00 (exc.VAT)
£37.20 (tax incl.)
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Full Description Specification

3g/L NaCL calibration solution

HI-7083L is a premium quality 3.0 g/L NaCl calibration standard solution produced in accordance with ISO 3696/BS3978 standards using high purity salts, deionised water, certified weight-checked balances, and Class A glassware in a temperature controlled environment monitored with certified thermometers. Reported values are traceable to NIST Standard Reference Materials (SRMs).

HI-7083M - 230mL bottle; HI-7083L - 500mL bottle.

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