Electrical conductivity (EC) is one of the most important parameters to test in growing, whether you are using a hydroponics system or planting outdoors. This three-minute guide covers the fundamentals of EC for growing to help you achieve optimal growth and a potential higher yield from your seedlings.
EC is a measurement of the nutrients in water, typically measured in millisiemens per centimetre (mS/cm). EC testers and meters measure the potential for electrical current to travel through water through the ions dissolved in the water. These ions are the natural and artificial nutrients that plants in the soil and in hydroponics use for healthy growth.
Different plants thrive within different EC ranges, but they all require an EC of above 0, the conductivity of pure water with no ions, to grow. EC that is too low means plants aren’t getting the nutrients necessary, causing yellowing and stunted growth. An EC level that is too high can lead to oversaturation of nutrients, leading to excessive top growth and root damage.
An EC nutrient tester, like the HI-98330, is designed specifically for use in irrigation and hydroponic growing systems. As hydroponic plants require artificial nutrients they would otherwise receive naturally through the soil, measuring EC provides the insight needed to maintain the correct balance of nutrient levels to prevent issues such as potassium and calcium deficiency or overfeeding.
A soil tester, like the HI-98131, provides accurate measurements across a range of parameters in addition to EC, such as pH, TDS and temperature, to provide a fuller picture of factors that can affect the growth and health of your plants. EC soil testers are a reliable choice for growing environments like outdoor beds and greenhouses, and are specifically designed with probes that can be immersed in soil for accurate measurements.
A 24-hour monitor is a suitable choice for hydroponics or greenhouses with high-value or commercial-level plants that require continual monitoring for healthy growth. These monitors are a stationary instrument that provides constant measurements of parameters. The HI-981420 Groline Monitor for hydroponics, for example, uses a 3-in-1 pre-amplified probe in the water that provides results every 15 minutes for conductivity, pH, temperature and TDS.
pH is also a measurement of ions in the soil, specifically positively and negatively charged hydrogen ions, offering insight into how acidic or basic soil or water is. Plants have a preferred range for pH in addition to EC.
Measuring both parameters in tandem, whether with a multiparameter meter or two testers, provides insight to take the steps to balance pH and EC, helping you achieve optimal growth.
From EC testers for water to EC meters for soil, our Groline range includes a variety of solutions to suit your specific plants and growing environment.
If you have questions about EC, pH or any other parameters related to growing, our team can provide expert guidance and advice. Contact us directly via email or on the phone at 01525 850 855 to discuss your requirements.